Oak Alley

Oak Alley
One of the great plantations near New Orleans

Monday, August 26, 2013

The Pantry

We need to stop and talk about the importance of a well-stocked pantry. Marc and Anna spend weeks preparing their pantry for the following year.

Marc has to patiently a deal with whatever weather God sends to his area and just a limited conversation with him on the subject will tell you just how difficult this can be. Too much wind at the wrong moment and he could loose all the tomato blossoms. Too much rain and the tomatoes could rot. Too much heat, they would burn up. Marc is just like any other farmer that is dependent on God's hand to help him produce a decent crop. He toils through all sorts of conditions for production. Some years are better than others. He is one of the most patient, gentle people I have ever met. He has the perfect demeanor for being a farmer.

Anna works hard cleaning, cooking and preparing food for the year. Just for tomato sauce alone she goes through an enormous amount of work. She has to cut and pre-boil the tomatoes, peel them and then cook them down to remove the excess fluid. She sterilizes the jars and lids, pours the hot tomatoes into the jars and then boils them as for storage. This is just one of the many preservation recipes that she makes. I am bringing home canned tomatoes, relish, cherry tomato jam, pickled eggplant... She makes my head spin with the amount of cooking that she does at harvest time. She has an enormous amount of energy and stamina!! She wore me out in 2 days of cooking and if any of you know me, I'm fairly good at hanging in to get a cooking project completed! She showed us an incredible amount of recipes in just a 48 hour period!! Most off the top of her head. And most she was able to can or freeze for the coming year!! In the world of Godly homemaker's, she is my hero.

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